Herein is an OOO fanmix, most specifically an Eiji and Ankh fanmix because I'm trash of trash. Each image links to somewhere you can listen to the song online. I had a lot of fun making this!
I dreamt I was the air, that I was so strong/I dreamt I was a promise I could keep
Touch, sweet touch/You've given me too much to feel/Sweet touch/You've almost convinced me I'm real
Now, for your sake, I'll become a red flame/I want to warm you
But just for your sake, I'll become the northern wind/I want to be in tatters
Feel the storm every night/Hope it passes by/Hallucinate a shady grove where Judas went to die
Let us cling together as the years go by/Oh, my love, my love/In the quiet of the night/Let our candle always burn/Let us never lose the lessons we have learned